
Welcome to the Foundation of Nursing Leadership

This website provides:

  • The latest clinical & leadership news
  • Clinical leadership resources
  • Publications, articles and research

New free online leadership assessments

We have been working on free online leadership tools for the last year and we believe that these are among the best online tools anywhere. They have been designed to support your personal and leadership development and some of them can be incorporated into personal and team development programmes. They all take between 10 and 15 minutes to complete.

Test 1 - What is your leadership style?
This test is designed to help you identify your preferred leadership style.

Test 2 - What is your team role?
This test is designed to help you understand your team role and can form the basis of personal development as well as tea development roles.

Test 3 - What is your next career move?
This test is designed to help you identify the stage you are at in your career and provide some guidance as to your next steps.

Test 4 - What are your career strengths?
This test is designed to help you identify your key career strengths.

Test 5 - Are you suffering from burnout?
This test is designed to help you assess whether you may be suffering from burnout.

Virtual seminars

The following virtual seminars are now available and others will be brought online over the next few months:

These seminars are online seminars which are free and can be accessed whenever you want, wherever you want.

Leadership literature reviews and resources

We have collected the best free literature reviews and nursing leadership resources from around the world and these can be accessed from the drop-down menu (under Resources)

Free News Subscription Service

If you would like to receive news updates from the Foundation, including future newsletters, press releases, news updates, etc, please send an email to dave@nursingleadership.org.uk entitled "News Subscription Request".

Home | About us | News | Courses | Virtual seminars | Contact us | Resources | This site was last updated March 12th 2015 by David Dawes